
Pain Relief Treatments

Pain Relief: Dental pain is one of the severe most pains in human body and we wish nobody ever suffer from it.

Teeth Replacement

The practice of looking after your gums and teeth and maintaining good oral hygiene to keep them healthy is known as preventive dentistry. The main aim is to avoid cavities, gum infections, enamel wear, tooth loss and more.

Cosmetic Surgery

The practice of looking after your gums and teeth and maintaining good oral hygiene to keep them healthy is known as preventive dentistry. The main aim is to avoid cavities, gum infections, enamel wear, tooth loss and more.

Preventive Dentistry

The practice of looking after your gums and teeth and maintaining good oral hygiene to keep them healthy is known as preventive dentistry. The main aim is to avoid cavities, gum infections, enamel wear, tooth loss and more. With the advent of years of refined diet, we have become more susceptible to oral diseases and hence maintaining them has become extremely important. With advancements in dentistry prevention of oral diseases has become easier. Maintenance of oral hygiene has to be practiced from an early age.

Kids Dentistry

WHY IS KIDS DENTISTRY IMPORTANT? Humans start teething when they are as young as 6 months old and develop their set of primary ‘milk’ teeth. At the age of 6-7 years, humans start losing their milk teeth and the permanent set of teeth start emerging. Because the milk teeth will eventually fall off, some parents tend to ignore taking their child to a dentist. However, these milk teeth form the basis of developing permanent teeth. If proper care is not taken the problems can emerge which will last a lifetime. In recent years the cases of caries in children have grown manifold.



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